Alaska needs Mark Begich By Ann Stephenson October 02, 2014
Not in the outsider ads paid for by Americans for Prosperity, Club for Growth, et al. Facts: as Mayor of Anchorage, Mark Begich and the Assembly closed a $33 Million inherited budget deficit while improving city roads and “spurring construction of the Dena’ina Civic Center” (ADN, Sept 11, 2014.) He balanced the city’s budget enabling S&P to upgrade Anchorage’s bond rating to AA. Alaskans know that! They won’t be duped or bought with outsider propaganda. There are facts to refute every ad! (And isn’t it a terrible shame we can’t trust the ads?) Mark Begich, a lifelong Alaskan, isn’t in the pockets of Washington’s Big Money Lobbyists who say anything to defeat him. When Dan Sullivan, and lately--Sen. Murkowski--are sponsored and controlled by outside interests, they aren’t fighting for Alaskans’ interests. They just can’t do it. They’re fighting for the Piper’s interest: they have to pay the piper! Mark’s proven he answers to us: Right here in Southeast Alaska, he blocked cuts to essential air service and got key funding for rural schools and harbors. He opposes Frankenfish and supports our fishing industry. Contrast: Sullivan barely visited our communities as AG or DNR Commissioner and has criticized the Recovery Act. Ann Stephenson
Received September 28, 2014 - Published October 02, 2014 Viewpoints - Opinion Letters:
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