SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska

Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions


By David G Hanger

October 02, 2014
Thursday PM

The local elections this year present something of a contrast. No choice at all at the Borough; a bunch of re-treads and a small bunch of newbies at the City. Ed Plute assures me the newbies are ready to fire Karl Amylon and his clique of sycophants. Vote for the newbies and hold them to that pledge. The alternative is no senior citizen tax exemptions and a sales tax rate of 10%.

For the City bring an end to bureaucratic dictatorship by voting for some folks who want to end it. VOTE PLUTE, STAPLES, AND MITCHELL, and don’t hesitate to recall them if they hedge for a moment. To hell with the goddamned leather chair syndrome.

Heed Rodney Dial and vote NO on all bond issues. The city coffers are bulging. It really does not matter which way you vote. Karl Amylon has a rigged deal already arranged for us anyway, one way or the other.

Notice how these silly local elections are fast becoming something you’d see in the old Soviet Union, or in some fourth world country. It’s the same bunch of pension chasing clowns, shifting chairs in an instance or two, but the same dull crowd and no choice at all. These people are incompetent, fiscal children. At the Borough supporting a political system that is designed to eliminate politics has in fact arrived at its final absurdity. Lacking any cue-giving agencies, there are no competitive races, so do not insult representative democracy by voting.

Let them elect themselves with 5 or 10 family votes apiece. Everyone else vote for the write-in candidate “NONE OF THE ABOVE,” or better yet if you are just voting in the Borough elections, stay home.

David G Hanger
Ketchikan, Alaska


Received September 29, 2014 - Published October 02, 2014

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