Reelect Sen. Begich By Marian Elliott October 15, 2014
In classic “1984” Orwellian style, a TV ad for Senate candidate Dan Sullivan makes the disingenuous statement that Mark Begich cut Medicare. In fact, Mark Begich has worked tirelessly in the Senate to protect Alaska seniors from cuts in Medicare, drug benefits, and Social Security. Sen. Begich fought to close the Medicare prescription drug "donut hole" reducing out of pocket expense for seniors, ensured seniors have free coverage for preventative care, and protected Medicare from attempts to turn it into a voucher system. Sen. Begich put a stop to the Chained CPI proposal, which would gut the Social Security cost of living increase. Citing the high cost of living for Alaskan seniors, Sen. Begich is championing Social Security increases that reflect the real cost of living in Alaska. If you’re a senior like I am and can’t afford any cuts to your benefits then you certainly can’t afford Dan Sullivan, who has repeatedly expressed support for cutting entitlement programs. We seniors need to vote for Mark Begich. He has our back. Marian Elliott
Received October 09, 2014 - Published October 15, 2014 Viewpoints - Opinion Letters:
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