SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska

Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions


By Charlie Freeman


October 20, 2014
Monday PM

I've been hearing a lot in the last few days, how the real fear is not Ebola, it's the flu and I wonder just how many fools are out there thinking that makes a deference. Both can kill. Is hanging better than being shot? Ask the dead guy.

The fact is that our chance of containment is past. For whatever reason, we've let the pachinko balls loose and nobody knows where they're going to go. Random chance.

Fact is, we have things that work on flu, nothing, other than experimental that works on Ebola.

I suggest you try to protect yourself. NO ONE ELSE IS GOING TO LOVE YA.

Charlie Freeman
Ketchikan, Alaska


Received October 18, 2014 - Published October 20, 2014


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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska

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