Supplemental food funding and school lunches By A. M. Johnson October 23, 2014
Over the past many years of local grocery shopping it has been observed that person(s) in front me making purchases did so with various forms of governmental supplementary payment programs. What surprised me was the content of the shopping cart where various amounts of what is called Junk Food, meat purchases, and gourmet food items beyond my fiscal desire, were being inclded without any oversight. The thinking watching these transactions being related to reading of the obesity of Americans as it relates to diet encouragement by this same government that was allowing through the supplementary programs, articles of food intake that was pointing out to be adverse to good health. During those pondering moments there really never came to mind a specific format for asking or who to ask, if all of these poor health choices being made could or would be a subject of national discussion. Then our country's First Lady, Michele Obama, took on the crusade of bringing healthy food to our children's school lunch cafeteria and tied those standards not only to lunch, but to fund raising. We have witnessed this locally as the students and parents attempt to deal with the new lunch menus and the constraints on fund raising projects. Just seemed not right yet, if the district takes the federal funding, the strings that come with that funding have to be adhered to. Is not the position of the First Lady regarding our students welfare equally a requirement that families on federal supplement programs adhere as well? How do these two subjects federal food supplementary assistance for family and those of student school /fund raising aligned? As both issues relate to federal funds and guidelines let us start there and add to it the question of what guidelines look like with both programs. It is supposed that a great deal of context could be generated on the subject. Perhaps that the following video be a focus point to see what level of local retort might be generated. Don't be bashful, lay it out there. Just saying, A.M. Johnson About: "A soul who weighed the consequence of actions and choices which led to the result that the harder one worked, the luckier and successful one became." Received October 21, 2014 - Published October 23, 2014 Related Video: Viewpoints - Opinion Letters:
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