False charges against Stevens seated Begich By Andy Rauwolf October 27, 2014
BET YOU DIDN’T KNOW: The same day the death was ruled a suicide by a Ms. Beverly Fields of the D.C. Chief Medical Examiner’s Office, and according to a local left leaning blog site called the LEGAL SCHNAUZER; “We have only Beverly Fields word - and we have no idea who she is”. No news organization did any follow up investigative reporting on Marsh’s death, and it quietly went away. Because the ruling was never challenged many questions are left unanswered. Obviously Marsh had access to sensitive information about the inner workings of the DOJ. Marsh and his wife were worship leaders at the First Baptist Church in Washington, D.C. Two days prior to his death, Nicholas had purchased tickets to a basketball game they were planning to attend. We’ll probably never know who was behind the false charges against Stevens but I am reasonably certain that Mark Begich had no knowledge of it. Who benefited? Obviously Mark Begich, but mainly the Federal Government taking over the health care industry and the ultimate control of each of our lives. The honorable thing to do would have been for Begich to step down, but since when in modern politics has honor ever trumped the lust for power. We now have a Department of Justice that could more aptly be described as the “Department of Organized Crime”, and a Senator up for re-election who was the 60th vote (desperately?) needed to pass Obamacare. Andy Rauwolf About: "Long time Ketchikan resident" Received October 26, 2014 - Published October 27, 2014
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