Federal taxesBy Rudy McGillvray October 13, 2015
Although at one time or another, I have heard that our lovely little state or our small towns are the only places that tax the money spent on grocery items, this strikes me as patently unfair. Because I feel that to pay taxes on food item bought at a grocery store, taken home to be worked over by Mom or Dad or whoever gets to prepare those items for consumption, should not have to pay a tax to do so. Boy oh boy, I'll bet I just really irritated more than a few Ketchikan City Leaders, with that statement. However, I have also heard that there are Alaskan towns that DO NOT tax groceries, and that they seem to be doing just fine with the moneys they do collect. Of course they probably don't spend their collected money as though it falls as rain from the sky, much like Ketchikan does. And when our leaders need more monies, oh, they can always raise the sales tax rate -- which as I'm given to understand was done recently. Do you folks know that you are paying a sales tax on the fuel you buy at the gas station, or at the fuel dock, when you fill the tanks on your fishing vessel? Or possibly the fuel tank at your home, so that you may run your oil-fired furnace. Now I'm not real sure about the last item on the list I've presented but I am pretty sure that all the items on this list amount to a double taxation which is much like double jeopardy under the fifth amendment of our Constitution. It's not allowed! And does need to be repaid to the citizenry of our State, and community. So in addition to support for a National Sales Tax, as Mr. Brooks is advocating, I am advocating for a federal prosecutor to perform an audit on the books of Ketchikan's tax collections, and to perform any and all actions necessary to make it correct. Yours for government in control of its finances, Rudy McGillvray
About: "I am a life-long Alaskan and a taxpayer for all but eighteen of those years" Received October 11, 2015 - Published October 13, 2015 Related Viewpoint:
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