SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska

Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

Ketchikan, A Wonderful city in which to live.

By Mary Schulz


October 27, 2015
Tuesday PM

When the new parking area next to the Tongass schools and baseball field was restructured, I noticed a dangerous flaw with the pedestrian configuration and possible hazard for young people playing ball and attending the schools. I contacted Superintendent, Robert Boyle, with my concern. The next day he viewed the situation along with appropriate borough staff and called to let me know they saw the potential problem and would begin work to fix it. He later sent a copy of the bid proposal to remedy the problem to me. Last week Mr. Boyle called to let me know the walkway was fixed and enhanced as they saw other issues with the walkway. It looks safe for all now.

This week I was filling in the pot holes in our easement driveway with gravel, wheelbarrow by wheelbarrow. While filling up another load from top of our road, I heard a backhoe turning into the road. Turns out the driver saw me filling the holes, had some extra gravel and proceeded to fill the remaining portion and smoothed it out. Wow, great weeks for me in Ketchikan.

Thank you all,

Mary Schulz
Ketchikan, Alaska

Received October 27, 2015 - Published October 27, 2015



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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska

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