SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska

Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

Do our votes matter?

By Ken Holmes


October 04, 2016
Monday PM

So as we vote today on local elections in Ketchikan, do they really matter? The propositions put on the ballets, we vote them down the they find away to do it anyway. Berth 4, ( built it anyway, we pay rent on it now)sales tax that was to be sunset tax for public safety (never went away), fix up the old library (built new one we can't afford). Now they are spending money on the museum ( the old library ).

Can we really make a difference. The hospital, that one was approved but why did they spend way over what was approved? Now when are the doctor's comming? Build and they will come is not right.

I'll be voting today so I can complain about the politics.

Ken Holmes
Ketchikan, Alaska

Received October 04, 2016 - Published October 04, 2016




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Ketchikan, Alaska

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