SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska

Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

Vote Dan Ortiz

By Susan Bachant


October 18, 2016
Tuesday AM

I am writing to share my reasons why I support Dan Ortiz. Throughout the years there have been many people representing us in various political avenues. Only one has ever asked me how I wanted him to represent my voice and that is Dan Ortiz. I have seen him go from door to door, talked with him in the mall, and even filled out an online survey from him wanting to know what I and all of the other folks that he represents think on a particular subject. I find this absolutely refreshing. Ask yourself, how any of our representatives actually do this? How many want to know what the people they represent want? Usually they get in there and pitch their own personal agendas.

I did receive the negative ad from the folks running against him and it really irritated me. The voters in Alaska are not stupid. We are not going to be swayed by this nonsense. We want to know how you plan on representing us, and if this is your example then I am not interested in you or your propaganda.

So in November I am voting for Dan. He sets a fine example of what a representative should be like.

Susan Bachant
Ketchikan, Alaska

Received October 17, 2016 - Published October 18, 2016

About: "I have lived in Ketchikan for over 20 years and love this city and Alaska."




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Ketchikan, Alaska

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