Vote Stedman & FinkenbinderBy Gary Paxton October 23, 2016 Bert Stedman, not unlike Dick Eliason and Ben Grussendorf for Sitka, has been a statesman for our great state. He has always put the state, SE Regoin, and Ketchikan ahead of any political concerns. At this time, when our state has such complex and difficult decisions to make, Bert is exactly the kind of legislator we need and he needs all the help he can get. Sheila Finkenbinder is just what Bert and our state needs to confront and help solve the challenges Alaska is facing. She has been a strong advocate for small business, has been a business owner, and knows what it takes to make payroll and pay the bills. She has worked in Juneau under former Representative Wilson. She is experienced, confident, independent, and tough enough to do what is right for Alaska, SE Alaska, and the District she would serve. To confront our current challenges, legislators need life experience in the work force, political arena, and solving real problems to get the job done. Once again, Sheila is such a person. Sheila and Bert will be a great team in Juneau for the District, for SE Alaska, and for our great state. Gary Paxton Received October 20, 2016 - Published October 23, 2016 About: Former Ketchikan Borough Manager
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