Stop the Negative CampaigningBy Kyle Johansen October 26, 2016
Like many of you I’ve been disturbed by the influx of negative advertising in the race for House District 36. Recently, former Representative Peggy Wilson created, and is the chairperson of, a Political Action Committee (known as a PAC) supporting one of the three candidates for the seat. This is allowed under the law and I have no issue with its existence. However, the content being authorized and distributed by Representative Wilson in disturbing, offensive and it needs to stop. I am publicly asking Representative Wilson to stop sending out negative campaign materials to the good people of District 36. As the chair and creator of the PAC, Peggy Wilson is the ONLY person who can end this tactic. We won’t know who is funding this effort until November 2nd when the next campaign reports will be released to the public. Disclosure laws will show us who is financing this negative effort to influence our decision on November 8th. I would be shocked it there are any major contributors from inside our District. We do not need to accept this type of “the end justifies the means” campaigning. Please join me in objecting to negative campaigning. Stress your high expectations for an issues oriented, proactive, positive presentation on your candidates vision, ideas and strategy. Let’s hear why your candidate is the best of the three running, not why you think someone else is the worst. We demand leadership and a strong voice for our district and our issues. There are enough Representatives and Senators working on behalf of the railbelt. Thank you for your attention. Kyle Johansen Received October 25, 2016 - Published October 26, 2016 About: Kyle Johansen is a former Ketchikan Representative/Alaska House Majority Leader
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