VOTE FOR RAY METCALFE FOR U.S. SENATEBy David G HangerOctober 27, 2016
Six billion barrels of new oil reserves have been discovered off the coast of Alaska according to a recent and conveniently timed announcement from the oil industry, all of it paid for with your Permanent Fund Dividend and the massive increases in taxes and user fees all of us are about to experience. The costs of extracting that oil are currently scheduled to be paid for exclusively with your dimes, by giveaway credits to the oil companies sponsored by “Oil Company” Walker and the insanely corrupt bought and paid for Republican majority in the state legislature. In Lisa Murkowski’s world all of this will be supported by a piling on of Federal regulation sympathetic to the oil industry in which your sole role is to pay for some carpetbaggers’ windfall profits with the money you need to feed and clothe your children. That is why I am imploring every one of you to join me in supporting and voting for Ray Metcalfe for U.S. Senate. Ray is from Anchorage, so he is not well-known in Southeast, but I have had the opportunity and the privilege to work with Ray on several recent initiatives, and my report to you is this man can make a difference. Ray is a former state legislator and member of the Republican party who bolted and joined the Democrats because he has had a ringside seat to the corruption and the stench of a state government owned by the oil companies, and was appalled by what he experienced. No friend of the oil companies, he is not their enemy either. Rather he is an individual who has developed expertise about the oil industry, and he insists, indeed demands, that this production benefit all Alaskans, not just the oil companies. VOTE FOR RAY METCALFE. THIS STATE IS DESPERATE FOR NEW FACES IN PUBLIC OFFICE. THE OLD GUARD HAS SOLD US OUT IN THE COURSE OF SELLING THEMSELVES TO THE OIL COMPANIES. Please do not forget that this incumbent was appointed by her daddy, who upon looking across the vast expanse of Alaska could find no one more qualified than his daughter; a fact in itself that should be an insult to every other Alaskan currently breathing. This U.S. Senate seat is not the hereditary property of the Murkowski dynasty, and in the ten years and more she has ensconced herself in this position she has demonstrated little more than why this should be true. No major policy speeches, no major legislative initiatives, nothing but a back-bencher who is periodically presented to the public as window dressing for Mitch McConnell. This in fact is her only public role on the national stage, standing to the left and rear of McConnell any time he decides to make a public announcement. Ask yourself one simple question: Who will she side with? The oil companies, or you? No, it will not be you. For Alaskans the only consequential theme of this election is are the oil companies going to be allowed to continue stealing us blind as they are doing now? Lisa Murkowski will do nothing to stop that insanity because she considers herself one of the “entitled” class, and you do not qualify in her universe except as victim. Her support for Trump, and her failure to distance herself from that godawful mess of a man until this past weekend simply affirms she will sell you down the river as quickly as her handlers demand it. She is the “establishment” that needs to be replaced. VOTE FOR A CHANCE FOR YOUR FAMILY AND A COMPLETE CHANGE IN ATTITUDE. VOTE FOR SOMEONE WHO IS IN FACT ONE OF US, NOT SOME PAMPERED ENTITLED PRINCESS WHO LOOKS UPON YOU AS SHEEP TO BE FLEECED TO MAINTAIN HER AND HER BUDDIES’ GREATER ECONOMIC STATUS. VOTE FOR RAY METCALFE FOR U.S. SENATE. David G Hanger Received October 27, 2016 - Published October 27, 2016
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