SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska

Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

Ketchikan School District's educational performance

By A. M. Johnson


October 27, 2017
Friday PM

In an effort to continue the awareness of Ketchikan School District's educational performance, the following data has been mined from the state's report. The two segments of the report are given below for personal review on a State wide basis.

One has to realize in reviewing the data the state as a whole pretty much has failed to meet the educational goals desired, measured by a test the State has deemed a reasonable process to measure that progress.

What is this test measured against? No idea. Perhaps the State has changed the test so frequently that benchmarks are non-existence other than a barnyard comparison.

The data for Ketchikan schools excludes two schools, Houghtaling and Tongass Schools of Arts and Science. There is no reason provided with in the results for these buildings. provides this reported information.

The full site is located here:

For those interested in reviewing the data the following if provided: Note: comment section had been closed.

School Below Proficiency ELA Below Proficiency Math
Schoenbar Middle School 56.7 70.1
Ketchikan Charter 53.4 54.1
Ketchikan High School 58.9 80.1
Revillia 65.9 88.6
Pt. Higgins 52.1 52.1
Houghtaling Not reported  
Tongass school of Arts and Science Not reported  
Fawn Mountain 58.3 67.2


A.M. Johnson
Ketchikan, Alaska


Related News:

Performance Evaluation Results Released for Alaska Schools
SitNews - September 13, 2017

All reports are available on the Alaska Department of Education website at the following links....

Ketchikan High School Results - Click here for 2017 results

Revilla Jr/Sr High School - Click here for 2017 results

Schoenbar Middle School - Click here for 2017 results

Fawn Mountain Elementary School - Click here for 2017 results

Houghtaling Elementary - Click here for 2017 results

Point Higgins Elementary - Click here for 2017 results

Tongass School of Arts & Sciences Charter School - Click here for 2017 results

Fast Track - Click here for 2017 results 

Editor's Note:

The text of this letter was NOT edited by the SitNews Editor. The related news and links were added by the editor.


Received October 25, 2017 - Published October 27, 2017

Related Viewpoint:





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