Alaska's Independent SpiritBy Gavin HudsonOctober 12, 2018
There are about 577,000 voters registered in Alaska. 13% of those are registered Democrats. 25% are registered Republicans. All the rest, some 62% of Alaskan voters, are registered as No Party, Undeclared, or Other. If you combine all the Democrats and all the Republicans into one political party, the independents would outnumber them by almost double! Perhaps that is why we have the only independent governor in all 50 states. Perhaps that is why the State House Majority is a coalition of Independents, Democrats, and Republicans. Perhaps that is why Alyse Galvin (I) is polling within single digits of Alaska’s only Congressman. Free-thinking independents can pick and choose the best ideas and talent from anywhere. They are not beholden to the entrenched political establishment who only want to accumulate more power, rigidly refuse to change, and preserve the status quo. We need independent leaders and representatives that are responsible to us, the people. Our world is changing at an alarming rate. We need those who can be agile and open minded enough to rapidly adapt and implement real solutions in real time. We need leaders who are measured and reasonable to balance out extremist ideologies that are dangerous for our lands, waters, and peoples. We need a real budget that delivers real results for every Alaskan family, Tribe, and business. Now, more than ever, we need the proven leadership of this slate of independent candidates whom I enthusiastically endorse because they reflect the independent spirit of Alaska: Bill Walker for Governor Thank you very much for your time. Please vote on Tuesday November 6th, 2018. Sincerely, Gavin Hudson
Editor's Note:
Received October 10, 2018 - Published October 12, 2018 Related Viewpoint: Viewpoints - Opinion Letters:
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