Deeply Flawed Supreme Court JusticeBy Donald MoskowitzOctober 16, 2018
Unfortunately they put the Republican Party ahead of the well being of the country. Based on the testimony I believe they confirmed someone who probably assaulted a female, and who either lied to the Senate Judiciary Committee (The Committee), or could not remember the assault because of his highly intoxicated condition. Kavanaugh probably lied to The Committee when he downplayed his vast beer consumption in college. Numerous classmates have stated he was a heavy drinker and a belligerent drunk. Kavanaugh appears to be highly partisan and biased as evidenced during The Committee hearings when he said there was a left-wing conspiracy against him including "revenge on behalf of the Clintons, and millions of dollars in money from outside left-wing opposition groups." Kavanaugh is deeply flawed and an unworthy Supreme Court justice. The veracity and unbiased opinions of the Supreme Court are in question. Donald Moskowitz
Editor's Note:
Received October 11, 2018 - Published October 16, 2018 Related Viewpoint: Viewpoints - Opinion Letters:
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