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Vote No on Ballot Measure 1By Andy RauwolfOctober 18, 2018
Alaska does not have a problem with salmon habitat in its streams and rivers. As commercial fishermen, we pay 3 ½ % from every fish we catch that goes directly into fisheries enhancement. However, there are big problems with the ocean food chain. By our own observations the enormous biomasses of herring that the governor referred to that we took for granted in the past have been reduced to small pockets here and there. ADF&G will tell you that the numbers of salmon leaving the streams are healthy and strong. Something happens to them after they enter salt water which we don’t fully understand, but addressing the food chain is a good place to start. There is no need or excuse for imposing more restrictions on resource development. State and Federal regulations are already in place to adequately protect our waterways. Ballot measure 1 falls right in line with The Spotted Owl Initiative, The Roadless Rule, and the push to protect the so called “Alexander Archipelago Wolf”. It is designed to stop any form of economic growth in Alaska. For the sake of the future of Alaska, and our children’s futures, don’t vote for another measure funded by outside interests. VOTE NO on Ballot Measure 1. Andy Rauwolf Editor's Note:
Received October 17, 2018 - Published October 18, 2018 Related Viewpoint:
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