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Support For Dan OrtizBy Eric and Heather MuenchOctober 18, 2018
He had a long history of service to the community before entering politics, and has done a good job of supporting Governor Walker's efforts to get Alaska back to a strong financial position. His opponent, on the other hand, seems to have no idea how to do that and has made statements parroting the most conservative Republican positions, does not support strong public schools, and thinks that a broad-based State revenue structure would simply (in his own words) "grow government". That apparently means he would leave vital State services like highway maintenance, State troopers and fish and game management understaffed. Unlike his opponent, Dan reaches out and listens to the people he represents. We will be pleased to vote to reelect him. About:: Heather and I are long term residents of Ketchikan and want our area to have good independent representation.
Editor's Note:
Received October 17, 2018 - Published October 18, 2018 Related Viewpoint: Viewpoints - Opinion Letters:
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