Vote Mike Dunleavy for GovernorBy Chris HerbyOctober 23, 2018
Last year the Alaska House of Representatives and the Governor supported implementing a state income tax. Fortunately for working Alaskans, the Senate was able to stop it. We need Mike Dunleavy as Governor to protect Alaskans from a State income tax and to protect our permanent fund dividends. Alaskans had the intelligence to vote Mark Begich out as our US Senator. I hope enough of us now show the same common sense and keep him out of Juneau. His answer to everything is always simply raise taxes. When I first learned of Bill Walker getting out of the race, I couldn’t figure out why he would help Begich win. It made no sense considering the fact that Walker has been a Republican most of his career. Then it hit me. If Begich wins, he will be so bad for Alaska that he will make it look like Walker was good. If Mike Dunleavy wins, he will be such a good change for Alaska, it will certainly make Walker look bad. That’s the only sense I could make out of Walker helping Begich who will tax us all into the poor house. Please get out and vote and vote for Mike Dunleavy. Chris Herby
Editor's Note:
Received October 22, 2018 - Published October 23, 2018 Related Viewpoint: Viewpoints - Opinion Letters:
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