October 16, 2019
SO WHY SUCH A BIG COST HIKE (traveling from Ketchikan To ANB)? My only beef with AMHS is that the ferry was supposed to run about 6 times a day and 7 days a week just so the people from Metlakatla could have people go to Ktn. To work and go back to Metlakatla on the last ferry. But the ferry only runs Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun, and Mon. (making a run in the morning leaving Met. At 900a.m., and leave Ktn., at 10:45a.m arriving at Annette Bay at 11:30. Then heading back to Ketchikan, at 245a.m. arriving in Ketchikan at 3:30p.m. Our little ferry Lituya was where the driver went free (then) that dropped and our price went to 1/2 price for the driver, then that was dropped and now charged full price for car and driver. Our little ferry Lituya actually carried the AMHS and made money for them by the increases and kept AMHS afloat a couple of years ago. So please if Ortiz or any of the other Alaska senators can help by getting our ferry back with the rest of the Alaska ferries and not increase our cost or punish us for AMHS mistakes. FOR A 45 MIN. RIDE SHOULD GO BACK DOWN TO $130.00 ROUND TRIP. Concerned traveler. Sincerely, Norma Lankerd
Editor's Note:
Received October 15, 2019 - Published October 12, 2019 Related Viewpoint: Viewpoints - Opinion Letters:
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