SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska

Debate for the State 2020:
U.S Senate Debate between Sen. Dan Sullivan and Al Gross & U.S. House Debate between Rep. Don Young and Alyse Galvin



October 26, 2020
Monday AM

(SitNews) - In case you missed the recent debates, Alaska Public Media presented Debate for the State, a two-night debate series featuring candidates for U.S. Senate and House.

Moderators Lori Townsend and Mike Ross asked the incumbents and the challengers for answers on the most pressing issues facing the country and Alaska.

The U.S Senate Debate between Sen. Dan Sullivan and Al Gross - October 23, 2020.

 U.S Senate Debate between Sen. Dan Sullivan and Challenger Al Gross.
Streamed live on October 23, 2020
Courtesy & Presented by Alaska Public Media

The U.S. House Debate is between Rep. Don Young and Alyse Galvin.

The U.S. House Debate between Rep. Don Young and Challenger Alyse Galvin.
Streamed lived on October 22, 2020 
Courtesy & Presented by Alaska Public Media

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Ketchikan, Alaska

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