"The Student Behind the Mask"By Steve Speights
October 26, 2020 About two weeks ago I was talking with a friend that teaches at Ketchikan High School, he made the comment that this year is so much more difficult both for the students as well as the teachers. He said that the students seem more down, there's no laughter in the hallways. He said that many of the teachers are having a hard time recognizing their students, because of the mask thing. I gave this some thought and prayer and came up with a worthwhile solution,"The Student Behind the Mask" program. Since I enjoy photography and have a small photography business I did some research and found a company (mpix) that will create a 3.5 inch button with the student's name and picture for about $4 each, including shipping, so I made a few samples (using pictures of my grandkids) and they came out nice. I was then planning on talking to local businesses to see if they would be willing to sponsor some students. I talked with an elementary school principal and a few teachers, they both said the same thing, this would be good for the Jr high and the high schools but really not for the elementary. That's when I got overwhelmed. There are too many Jr high and high school students for just one person to complete this idea. That's why I decided to write this, I really didn't want others to make a profit off of this idea, and also take the credit for the idea. My next idea is that parents could take and submit pictures (to mpix or other online photo services) and order the photo buttons directly or if any of the local photographers would donate their time and use their talents, to help with this, that would be awesome. I'm not sure but maybe the photographers who took the student's yearly picture could submit and use those pictures, and just add the student's name to it. I believe this idea will give some individuality back to the students. I believe this idea could spread, how far? I'm not sure maybe across the country. This is the time to help the students and focus on our next generation of leaders. If you're a parent, ask your student what they think, if you're a teacher, maybe start the trend and order one for yourself. If you're a business contact the schools and offer to pay for some. The students can wear a button and maybe also put one on their backpacks. I'm willing to help with this project, either with taking of some of the pictures, or by...? As I can, so that I'm not totally passing it off to others. Thanks for your time. Steve Speights
About: Editor's Note:
Received October 22, 2020 - Published October 26, 2020 Related Viewpoint:
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