The Peoples' RepresentativeBy Austin Otos
October 30, 2020
An elected officials first responsibility is to those who they serve, not a political institution. District 36 once again needs a candidate that works for the people, not a political party. With political partisanship dividing our state and country at historical levels, we need a truly independent representative that works across party lines and enacts legislation beneficial to our Southeast region. I believe Ortiz has the best interests of younger generations of Alaskans in mind when stabilizing our PFD system. The number one thing I hear from people is Dan’s responsiveness to constituents. No matter if you reside in his most rural community to the most populous, he treats all people equally. The reason Representative Ortiz was elected in 2014, 2016, and 2018 is because District 36 was eager to break up partisan politics and cut through dominating parties to get the best representation for our district. I voted for Representative Dan Ortiz two years ago and I will do so again this election cycle. I hope you will join me in voting for a true representative of the people. Austin Otos
Disclaimer: I speak only for myself and not on behalf of the Ketchikan Borough Assembly. My political opinion here is my personal thoughts and not of the governing body. Editor's Note:
Received October 27, 2020 - Published October 30, 2020 Related Viewpoint:
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