Reelect Dan OrtizBy Carrie Starkey
October 30, 2020
Representative Ortiz was always available for work with the Chamber, and proud to work along side us in any capacity. Not just in his attendance for every Chamber event to which he was invited, but the work that he did within my time there, advancing the interests of our community and businesses in partnership with the Chamber. Not the least of these was his effort to bring about a legislative change that specifically allowed our Chamber to operate a Race Classic in conjunction with the R2AK annual boat race. As our ferry system faced threats, I watched him work tirelessly with Alaska state officials and our partners in Prince Rupert, with whom he holds good relationships and have achieved positive change. Through his membership, presentations, participations, and eagerness to partner with the Chamber on anything we needed, I came to see Representative Ortiz as a strong ally to the business community of Ketchikan, and our region as a whole. Outside of the bounds of my professional relationship with Dan Ortiz, I know him to be a kind and genuine human being with a history of outreach and thoughtful listening to his constituents. I strongly believe that these characteristics and the history of his work with the Chamber make him the best choice for District 36, and for our businesses. I will be voting for Representative Ortiz, and I urge you to do the same. Carrie Starkey
Editor's Note:
Received October 27, 2020 - Published October 30, 2020 Related Viewpoint:
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