Jeremy Bynum for State RepresentativeBy Sharyl E. Yeisley
October 27, 2022
I will be voting for Jeremy Bynum for District 1 State Representative in our upcoming election, November 8th. Over time, I have been able to get to know Jeremy and his wife, Carolyn, which has provided me the opportunity to ask him questions that pertain to Alaska and get to know his background. Mr. Bynum is a US Air Force Veteran. He served in both the Bosina-Herzegovina and Kosovo wars for nearly six years including time stationed in Europe. He was Air National Guard while in college, briefly returning to active duty after 9/11 before graduating from college with an Electrical Engineering degree. He is currently a licensed Professional Engineer in Alaska and Washington. He also had a civilian service career as an engineer with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers working in hydro-power across the U.S. and abroad, to include civil support missions in Afghanistan. He is the Acting Electric Division Manager with Ketchikan Public Utilities. Recently he advocated and helped develop the Power Sales Agreement between Ketchikan and Metlakatla, providing a power connection between our cities known as the Metlakatla-Ketchikan Intertie (MKI). MKI is no longer a discussion spanning over 57 years, it is a reality. With Mr. Bynum's service to our country, educational background and work here in our community, he has my vote. My father is retired from KPU Electric Division and my older brother is an Air Force Veteran. It is time for change, a new voice and fresh perspective!!! I encourage our community to join me and vote for Jeremy Bynum for State Representative. Sharyl E. Yeisley
About: Editor's Note:
Received October 22, 2022 - Published October 27, 2022 Related Viewpoint:
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