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Guess To Present New Veterans License Plates
Senator's bill comes full circle at Alaska Veterans Foundation event


November 10, 2004

On Wednesday evening at the Alaska Center for the Performing Arts in Anchorage, Senator Gretchen Guess (D-Anchorage) will attend the Alaska Veterans Foundation's Veterans Concert & Awards Ceremony to announce the availability of a new license plate to show support of veterans.

Senator Guess sponsored and won passage of Senate Bill 146, which called on the Division of Motor Vehicles to design and make available commemorative veterans plates. The plates are now ready, and Alaskans can now purchase a license plate stating, "I Support Our Veterans."
jpg Veterans License Plate

"Many Alaskans would like to show support for the men and women who are and have served their country," said Senator Guess. "These special request license plates allow any Alaskan to show their support for veterans by purchasing special request plates for their vehicle.

Although veterans can purchase plates recognizing their military service, until now no license plate existed for civilian Alaskans to show their support for veterans. Many other states have similar programs. 

The "I Support Our Veterans" plates are now available for purchase at the Division of Motor Vehicles. The plates cost a one-time fee of $100, with a biennial renewal fee of $35. The money is earmarked for state programs supporting Alaska's veterans.

"The DMV has done a great job in the design of these plates," said Senator Guess. "Although a small, simple gesture, it is another way we can all express our thanks and support our veterans."


Source of News & Photograph:

Alaska Democrats
Web Site


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