SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Two of Ketchikan's native sons honored


November 22, 2005

Ketchikan, Alaska - Public Safety Director Rich Leipfert has announced the graduation of Ketchikan Police Department Officer Mark Sivertsen from the Alaska Public Safety Academy in Sitka. The academy began August 7 and graduated November 17th. The Academy is a 17 week course that includes academic subjects such as law and ethics, and extensive practical classes in firearms, arrest control and law enforcement driving.

jpg Ketchikan's native sons honored

Attending the graduation ceremony were parents Bob and Terry Sivertsen, Mark's wife, Sara, and Deputy Chief John Maki. Colonel Julia Grimes of the Alaska State Troopers was the keynote speaker.

Chris Peabody was promoted to Detective after his successful completion of an extensive assessment process. The two detective positions in the department provide support to the patrol operation in major case investigations and in the handling of bad checks.

Chris Peabody was born and raised in Ketchikan, graduating from Kayhi in 1997. He obtained an Applied Associates in Art from the Art Institute of Seattle in 1999, and was awarded a Bachelor of Science Degree in Public Communication from the University of Idaho.

Detective Peabody joined the Ketchikan Police Department in June of 2003. He is an instructor in Seibukan Karate, teaching at the recreation center.

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Ketchikan, Alaska