SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Knowles is the Governor needed
By Terry Gardiner


November 04, 2006
Saturday AM

Since my retirement from the seafood industry two years ago I have been studying and working with several non-profit groups on health care reform in our country. I have been working as a full time volunteer since August for Tony Knowles because he is committed to making health care reform a priority in Alaska and our country. His plans to improve Alaska health care can be found at his website Many health care advocates and concerned Alaskans are on the Knowles team because they believe this is a good plan to get Alaska moving on health care reform.

Our health care costs are rapidly inflating and are double that of other countries. The ranks of the 120,000 Alaskans with no health care insurance are rapidly expanding. 70% of our small businesses can no longer afford health care insurance. Alaskans on medicare increasingly cannot find doctors. Our system is broken and it's time for our leaders to stand up and LEAD on health care reform.

If you are concerned about health care issues and want to see action, Tony Knowles is the Governor you need.


Terry Gardiner
Anchorage, AK

PS Tony understands the ferry system problems in SE and fortunately that is considerably easier to fix!

About: "Served Alaska Legislature representing Ketchikan, Metlakatla and Prince of Wales 1973-1982. Commercial fishermen 14 years. Seafood processor 23 years. Currently working on health care reform at"





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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska