SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Giving During the Season of Hope.
By Richard Zellmer


November 27, 2006
Monday PM

Praise God and Pass the Ammunition!

The Salvation Army has put out the Red Kettles again this holiday season. And the ding-a-ling of bell-ringers can be heard. Clanging pocket change hitting medal becomes ammunition, like the rifle clicks of fresh loading shells; an Army dedicated to defending the selfless work to hurting humanity. Ammunition to combat hunger, social alienation, and spiritual depravity that draw-up battle lines on our city streets. The Salvation Army is one organization unwilling to lay-down arms just yet.

Supply lines must be secured and corps depots are needed in this conflict of serious proportions. What is necessary to stem the tide at the frontlines? To meet this cause head-on. Is it really only a matter of money?

For responsible and efficient social movements similar to the historical embarkation of the The Salvation Army two centuries ago, the foxhole call is no joke- Praise God and pass the ammunition!

Locally, the Sally's of Revilla continues the norm of heeding the call, even if it means just making do. For years, positive non-profit financial endeavors have allowed the Gateway Corps on our island to continue services. And what a blessing it has been to everyone coming through their doors. Thank you to the greater Ketchikan community. They couldn't have done it without your support.

This is year, 2007, promises to be significant as well. Together the whole community will come together again and back another offensive against the evils of poverty and social injustice. The soldier members of our local Army look forward to succeeding in the face of adversity- after all; hope must be heralded from every rooftop. These entrenched angels-at-arms are dedicated. Is there another organization whose members sing halleluiahs, while willingly bearing the cost of service? The moral is high and the skirmish is at hand. And what more appropriate time to review the battle lines than this season of hope. What will look like this year?

a. The Family Service office will support hundreds of families with emergency foodstuffs from the Ketchikan Community Pantry.
b. The soup kitchen volunteer staff will faithfully serve a hot meal every weekday; racking up thousands of service hours and equal monies donated in prep costs.
c. Saxman will offer U.S.D.A. surplus food baskets twelve months out of the year to every family interested.
d. The local soldiers and officers who put their faith in The Salvation Army s unique blend of Soap, soup, and salvation will lead searcher into open chapel doors- willing individuals ready to hear the social gospel.

The Salvation Army is prepared. They're at the frontlines. So would you, if you don t mind; please pass the ammunition?

Richard Zellmer
Ketchikan, AK

Received November 26, 2006 - Published November 24, 2006

About: "I am Salvation Army. My name is Richard Zellmer, a local officer at the Gateway Corps; Ketchikan, Alaska; where I always fire a cartridge as the kettle goes by."




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Ketchikan, Alaska