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Federal Budget and Pay for Performance
By Alan Lidstone


November 28, 2006
Tuesday AM

It's my understanding that the Congress is responsible for setting and agreeing to an annual Federal Budget to cover running the many and varied activities of the Federal Government.

Unfortunately, although the Republicans have been in control of the legislative branch, including both houses of Congress and the Executive Branch, they have been unable or unwilling to pass a Federal budget for FY 2007 and send it to the President for approval.

Congress will be reconvening shortly, ostensibly to finish up on a variety of legislative activities and uncompleted tasks. Congress is already talking about a continuing resolution to fund the activities of the Federal Government for Fiscal Year 2007, rather than passing a completed budget.

Perhaps we should put all the salary and expenses incurred by the Congress and the entire White House staff, including the President, Vice President, and Cabinet Officers into a holding account until they complete their responsibility of completing a Fiscal Year 2007 budget that is signed by the President.

If they are unable to complete their constitutional responsibilities, then the with-held salary and expense funds should be used to reduce the Federal deficit which has increased by several Trillion Dollars since 2001.

Alan Lidstone
Venice, FL

Received November 26, 2006 - Published November 28, 2006

About: "Retired Systems Engineer and Naval Officer, freelance RV lifestyle writer and publisher"




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Ketchikan, Alaska