SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


POW Holds 4th Annual Deer Celebration


November 13, 2006

Over 480 children of all ages attended Prince of Wales' 4th Annual Black-tailed Deer Celebration. According to Bonnie Carle, there were 12 booths offering various learning opportunities pertaining to the Black-tailed deer.The evening celebration included a potluck which featured various deer recipes. Traditional dancing capped the event. Also attending the celebration were 80 local residents.

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World-wide species of deer tracks educational booth...
Photo Courtesy Bonnie Carle

Carle, an environmental technician with the Environmental Protection Division, said, "It was a great learning opportunity for the children of Prince of Wales. We had children from all over the island turn out. Fun was had by all!"

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Deer facts educational booth...
Photo Courtesy Bonnie Carle

Carle said they would like to thank the volunteers and the following contributors who helped make this celebration possible: United States Forest Service Craig & Thorn Bay Ranger Districts, POW Tribal Environmental Coalition (POWTEC) and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game.

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One of 12 Blacktailed-deer educational booths...
Photo Courtesy Bonnie Carle

The kids' door prizes were provided by Wilderness Car Rental, JS True Value, City of Klawock, Roberta Donelly, Sham Thomas, Papa's Pizza, True Ann's Restaurant, Sharon Brasomle, Arrowhead Transfer Inc., CCA-EPA, Promech Air, AC-Thompson House, Millie Stevens, and Shelter Cove Lodge.


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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska