SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Common courtesy
By Robert McRoberts


November 05, 2007
Monday AM

Courtesy starts with the way you treat others. When you're in a small town there are some who like you and some who don't. Very few will say some good things about you, and some will cut your back. Very few are brave enough to come out and say just how they feel about you. And opinions change too. But the way one goes about doing things need to be done for the best of our community. Recently some of our leaders took it on themselves to cut corners and it's back firing.

I am still upset about the South Tongass Fire Station project just as others are. People use that road and it's been turned in to a mud bog. I even heard one of the boys broke his big truck playing in the mud. not one of the neighbors are happy with what's going on there. I know just about every one around there. That my friend is sad. It really hurts me that the ones in charge did not stop this project. Maybe they just don't care. That's too bad. Asking me to help was not the right thing either. You just creamed the job of the part that most digging companies would have made their money. The drilling and blasting is not where most of us make money. It's a cost, and a big one. The only good part for us as digging contractors is the underground if it gets shot properly.

I have to pay property taxes on my excavators and the government that demands I pay tries to bypass me. That makes me very mad. I have donated my time for doing things to the borough. Recently i went up on a Sunday and dug a hole for a sand box at Fawn Mountain. I told my friend I would do the digging to install water and sewer to the new concession stand there that we were going to get and other things. But the way I feel now... All of you who have been given the run down from Mr.. DOT. He's here because nobody cares about all the mud on the highway. Just had to throw that in. Hope we're on the same playing field now.

Why did I not run for a borough seat? I thought Mr. Painter and Mr. Thompson were doing their best for us as small businesses. But I am really thinking about trying for the Mayor's spot next time because from this side I am just a complainer -- a small imprint on things. With that said, I better get ready to get out and dig holes.

I hope the best for you all, it's just another bountiful day in paradise.

Robert McRoberts
Ketchikan, AK

Received November 03, 2007 - Published November 05, 2007


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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska