SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Invasive plant species
By Victoria McDonald


November 09, 2007
Friday AM

Dear Editor:

Over the past few years in Ketchikan, I have noticed the explosive growth of a very beautiful plant ­ Japanese knotweed. I first encountered Japanese Knotweed when I walked around Lake Washington with a Seattle friend. She stated the plant had taken over the shores of the lake and was nearly impossible to get rid of. I thought this plant had not come north, but then I saw huge mounds of it on the side of the road in Ketchikan, north and south. Each summer the plant expands its range, pushing native plants, even salmonberries, out of the way.

If you Google Japanese Knotweed, there are numerous pictures of the plant, articles about the difficulty of removal, and even how to inject pesticide directly into the stalks. I'm not sure what should be done but I'd like to hear from people who would like to remove this plant before we only have Japanese knotweed on the sides of the road.

Victoria McDonald
Ketchikan, AK

Received November 08, 2007 - Published November 09, 2007



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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska