SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Governor Palin Invites Public Input on Budget


November 26, 2007
Monday AM

(SitNews) - Alaska Governor Sarah Palin is urging Alaska residents to become involved in the state budget process by participating in a web survey. "Voices Across Alaska: State Budget Priorities" is an opportunity for Alaskans to provide their opinion on how the state's projected budget surplus should be saved and invested.

"We all know oil prices will not remain at record levels forever, and planning ahead will help ensure that we really are kicking off a new era of tax stability," said Governor Palin. "Under ACES, surplus revenue of approximately $1.6 billion could be realized this year. I hope Alaskans will take advantage of this opportunity to become part of the process."

The Governor's office will use the input to complete the FY2009 budget plan, which will be released to the public and the Legislature for consideration in mid-December. Surveys will be accepted through 5 p.m. on December 3, 2007.


On the Web:

"Voices Across Alaska: State Budget Priorities" survey


Source of News:

Office of the Governor


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Ketchikan, Alaska