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RE: Electoral count must go
By Kris Hansen


November 10, 2008
Monday AM

Nicely put Mike Isaac. If Obama wants to make the American people feel American again and actually feel like they have chosen the best candidate he needs to add a few Republicans, not one or two, but many to his cabinet.

I would think, however, he would not want to put Palin in his cabinet. She is an up and coming figure in Republican politics and a threat to his presidency in 2012. People might laugh at my thought about Palin as president, but we will see who laughs last in 2012 or 2016.

I guarantee you this, there will be a female president in the next 12 years. Kudos to your letter Mr. Isaac, well put.

Kris Hansen
Kent, WA

About: "Born and Bred in K-town my mother was the daughter of a pioneer doctor and a proud business woman (Toni's House of Fabrics)"

Received November 07, 2008 - Published November 10, 2008


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letter Electoral count must go By Mike Isaac

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