SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


The Problem With Socialism
By Connie Emmert


November 16, 2009
Monday PM

If you have been watching the news about the TEA parties, you have probably seen the sign that says, "The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." We're beginning to realize the truth to this phrase as Medicare and Medicaid and Social Security careen into bankruptcy.

But, there is another problem with socialism. In order to get everyone to be so generous with their hard earned dollars you have to force them to comply. Nancy Pelosi's Healthcare plan that just passed by a razor thin margin in the House makes a criminal of anyone who evades buying the approved government insurance. Fines are up to $250,000 and jail time of up to 5 years.

Now let's stop and think about that for a moment. Does anyone really believe that it is justice to slap such a penalty on his neighbor for not purchasing the right kind of insurance for himself? And even more ironic is that the reason that we so desperately needed this reform, so they said, was because it was causing those who didn't have health insurance to go bankrupt after a hospitalization (in spite of payment plans and charity care witch is available). Why, then, is it no problem now to bankrupt him with penalties and jail time?

We have come to this crossroads in America because we have been told again and again that socialism is compassionate, and we have fallen for it because we are a very generous people. We know that we are blessed, and we want to give to those who have not. But, we need to be careful not to turn away from the freedoms that have made us wealthy and able to bless the world, and instead become slaves of a controlling, dictatorial government - unable to help ourselves, much less anyone else.

There is a very well done little video called "Overview of America" that explains the difference between capitalism and socialism as well as between a democracy and a republic.

You can view it at

Connie Emmert
Ketchikan, AK

About: "Ordinary Citizen"

Received November 15, 2009 - Published November 16, 2009



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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska