SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Lap tops provided
By Charles Edwardson


November 07, 2010
Sunday PM

Until my kid came home with a lap top provided by the school (Schoenbar) I never realized or paid any attention to what a stupid idea this was. It was trashed when she got it and it's going to be trashed even more when she gives it to the next kid.

I don't know what kind of social experiment this is and who's paying for this absolutely insane idea, but it should stop. Not only am I going to have to pay for the darn thing if she breaks it, if something is wrong with it that was not detected when she got it, I'm gonna pay for someone else's kid trashing the thing. I already know of a kid who was banned from using any more of these computers cause one of her friends stepped on the stupid thing and she got blamed. Even high school kids do not have the awareness to protect and treat with care a thousand dollar piece of hardware much less a 12 or 13 year old kid.

We can't afford a roof but we have high school administrators grubbing at Wal-Mart for donations for more laptops. I say don't give 'em the money make the kid read a book.

Let's see, we can't keep the kids in school so let's give them the tools to stay away from the school even more with their own laptop. If it works they can just stay home and have the net do their reports,

You think this is going to encourage the kids to go to our new fancy library we're going to have to raise our taxes to afford, and actually read a book in our new fancy library? Why should they? If the computers last they can just google everything they need .

Someone on the school board please reign in your staff, we're strapped enough with all of the fundraisers around town -- grubbing for laptops is just a little silly if you ask me.

Charles Edwardson
Ketchikan, AK


Received November 06, 2010 - Published November 07, 2010



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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska