![]() By Joseph J. “Jay” Chadwell November 16, 2010
“A large regional garbage and trash incinerator may be built at Ward Cove. This project creates a facility that will process garbage and trash from all communities in South East Alaska. We believe that garbage and trash will be accepted at Ward Cove from any municipality willing to send us their garbage which may represent a much greater volume of garbage then what South East Alaska has to offer. In short, this project could morph in to a giant incineration facility.” 1) If Mr. Hopen buys the property (cash on the table before anything happens) and develops it into a facility that operates within all prescribed laws; than let it be. The last time I checked we’re in America and it’s called free enterprise!! If you or anyone that you represent don’t like it, than put your money on the table and make a go of it!! Nothing I believe is stopping anyone from making a better offer. “Garbage and trash will be barged to Ward Cove on many garbage scows that will be in plain site of not only our residents but our tourists and cruise ships.” 2) Don’t know if you been by lately; but it seems to me that we’re to this point already. I really like driving by the abandon buildings, but the best part is looking at the boat laying on its side by the bridge. It’s a real treat when the tides out and you can see it in all it’s glory!! “If there was one issue important enough to seek scientific input and voter approval it was certainly this one.” 3) How about putting some of that “scientific input” into making good living wage jobs for this community instead of using it to keep get us shackled to low wage, low living standard employment that we now have. You complain about the situation, but you don’t present any other options that can be implemented with the same effect (employment with good living wage jobs). America (and Ketchikan) needs to get off it’s butt and start leading again in this world, or we’re going to get left in the dust by counties like China and India who don’t give a dam about environmental concerns like we have to. Trumped up environmental, political, warm and fuzzy concerns are killing us and they need to instead work with business to help move it ahead instead of holding it back. In closing, this property needs to be sold. If someone comes to the table; with money in hand, than let them have it. Then let the new owners develop in accordance with local, state and federal laws. This community needs to move forward, it’s long overdue and not be swayed by “Scare Tactics”. Respectfully Joseph J. “Jay” Chadwell
Received November 15, 2010 - Published November 16, 2010
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