SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska

Landlords Responsible to Install Smoke and CO Alarms


November 23, 2011

(SitNews) Anchorage, Alaska - Alaska State Fire Marshal David Tyler is reminding owners of rental housing units that they are required to have working smoke alarms installed in their rental units. Tyler adds, "Carbon Monoxide (CO) alarms are also required if the housing units use carbon based fueled appliances or have attached garages." Once a tenant moves into the rental property, it is the tenant’s responsibility to maintain the smoke and CO alarms.

State Statute AS 18.70.095 explains the requirements for smoke and CO alarms. Landlords and tenants should work together to ensure a save living environment in the rental home.

The following guidelines can help landlords comply with this statute:

  • Go over operation and location of smoke and CO alarms when tenant moves in.
  • Keep a log of when and where the alarms were installed.
  • Alarms should be replaced every ten years.
  • Remind tenants to test alarms every month when their rent is due.
  • Remind tenants to check and change batteries twice a year if needed.
  • Check alarms when a tenant moves out of the rental property.
  • Replace malfunctioning or damaged alarms.

More information on smoke and CO alarms can be found on the Alaska Division of Fire and Life Safety's web site at:

Tyler adds, "fire safe behavior can keep a fire from starting. Working smoke alarms, planning and practicing your fire escape plan and adding residential fire suppression sprinklers can ensure your family's safety in case a fire does happen."


Source of News: 

Alaska Division of Fire and Life Safety


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Ketchikan, Alaska

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