By Diane Gubatayao
November 02, 2012
What is Challenge Day all about? It is a day where students and adults come together and share powerful activities that break down clichés and cliques around social, racial and cultural issues. Students learn to connect by highlighting their commonalities, building empathy, developing healthy attitudes and contributing to a positive school climate. Challenge Day celebrates the power of one to make a difference, whether you are a student or an adult. Challenge Day is a partnership of the Ketchikan School District and the Strengthening Cultural Unity task force of the Ketchikan Wellness Coalition who work together to bring this nationally recognized event to Ketchikan. But the success of Challenge Day truly rests with the adult staff and volunteers. We invite you to join us and share your time and talents. Please contact Caitlin Dixon at Schoenbar or Joey Fama at Ketchikan High School to volunteer or learn more. It is an experience you will never forget. Diane Gubatayao
About: Diane Gubatayao is the Director of Development and Community Services, WISH. Received November 02, 2012 - Published November 02, 2012
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