By Rep. Kyle Johansen
November 07, 2012
I would like to thank all the people who have helped me earn three terms in the Alaska State House of Representatives. It has been the most rewarding professional experience of my life. I would like to particularly thank Representative Bill Williams for giving me that first chance in 1994 to work for him. Steve and Caryl Williams and Pete Ecklund were instrumental in my career and I thank them for their unwavering support. I also thank Randy Ruaro, Sonia Christiansen, David Scott, Judy McDonnell and Reid Harris who all worked hard for me and for you as staff. I am proud of the accomplishments my team achieved over three terms. We worked hard on local and statewide issues, and we made a difference. Our area has progressed greatly since 2006 and we should all be proud of that. I wish the best of luck to Representative Wilson and pledge to help her with a smooth transition on current project issues and cases involving constituents. I also thank her and Matt Olsen for clean and issues oriented campaigns. I will leave this office with my head held high. I never quit, slowed down or stopped fighting for what I believe. This was a great learning experience for my children, and maybe others, to never give up when the going gets tough, win or lose. I only ask that everybody be respectful of my parents and children when you see them around town. They have read, heard and seen many negatives about me these past couple of years. They never held office and do not deserve any of the negativity or criticism that should be directed to me and me alone. While this great chapter of my life is over, I excitedly look forward to what comes next in life, whatever it may be. Thank you all again, and God Bless. Humbly and Sincerely, Representative Kyle Johansen
Received November 07, 2012 - Published November 07, 2012
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