By Gary Boatwright
November 13, 2012
Canned tuna, meats, canned vegetables, peanut butter, jams, spaghetti sauce, soups, stews, beans, pastas, cooking oil, and rice are some needed food items. In addition to food items, the Shelter can also use donations of laundry & dish soap, cleaning supplies, toilet paper, and paper towels. Any community member who might have frozen fish, venison, beef, etc. can call 617-0771 or 225-4194 to arrange a drop off or pick up time. As the holidays approach, donations of turkeys & other traditional food items for our holiday dinners are also welcome. Like many non-profits, the Ketchikan Homeless Shelter struggles with stretching its budget to meet operating expenses. This year we are raising funds to replace flooring and some long delayed general maintenance projects. Donations can be dropped off at the Shelter or mailed to Box 9426, 99901. Donations are tax deductible. This Friday, from 4pm-6pm, KFMJ/99.9 will be conducting a live remote from the Shelter for the official kick-off for our food drive. Tune in or drop by and visit the manager and Board members at 628 Park Avenue. The Board of Directors of the Ketchikan Homeless Shelter would like to thank the community of Ketchikan for their annual support of our food drive. Thanks. Gary Boatwright
Received November 12, 2012 - Published November 13, 2012
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