SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska

Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

By David Boone


November 20, 2012
Tuesday AM

To the Editor:

I have been an appliance repairman for 40 years.  My natural inclination is to fix things.  As I look at the state of national affairs today, nothing seems to be working right.  One hardly knows where to begin the repair.  May I suggest tax reform?

The income tax discourages investment and productivity.  It penalizes exporters who must add the cost of taxes into the price of everything they export.  People with high incomes are leaving the United States in droves to avoid income taxes.  Working people have up to 25% of their income confiscated before they even get their paychecks.  The IRS intrudes into our private affairs.  We waste hundreds of billions of dollars and millions of hours every year, in compliance costs.  People who are not entitled defraud the system for undeserved refunds.  Hundreds of billions in revenue from the underground economy and tax cheating is left on the table.

The FairTax changes everything.  Because it is a tax on consumption, it sidesteps that entire list of evils associated with the income tax.  The FairTax however goes beyond mere reform.  Sometimes when I am called upon to repair an appliance, the cost exceeds the value of the unit in question.  That’s what’s happening with the income tax today. The income tax cannot be repaired.  It must be replaced.  Of all the plans being discussed on Capitol Hill, only the FairTax can bring the kind of fundamental and comprehensive change that will allow for a permanent fix.  
David Boone
Houston, MN


Received November 18, 2012 - Published November 20, 2012





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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska