By Shari Irizarry
November 20, 2012
With all due respect and without expressing any opinion on abortion per se, I thought condoms, and "whatever else is available to men" were the answer to unwanted pregnancies. If you can't be bothered to use contraception, maybe you should consider the cost of child support for the next 18 years. Perhaps that would stick in your mind and make you a little more careful. (sarcasm) Better yet, how 'bout women DO take full responsibility....and you just don't get any anymore? Because let's be honest....that is really the only real "answer" to unwanted pregnancies. (more sarcasm) Seriously?!? Ya'll need to grow up. Why should an unwanted pregnancy be the responsibility of either men OR women? I seem to recall from my sex ed days (granted, that was a looonnnggg time ago), that procreation was an act that takes both the female AND the male. Sort of a 50/50 proposition. Why don't we all "man up" and take responsibility for our part in the process? Shari Irizarry
Received November 17, 2012 - Published November 20, 2012 Related Viewpoints:
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