SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska

Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

By Joey Garcia


November 23, 2012
Friday PM

Perhaps it is high time for me to reconcile my own with David Boone's opinion of "Fix It Right". It is a very sad note that in the electronics department of Ketchikan's Walmart, sans [sic] the smile of the employees to help out a customer. What it missed along this line is the knowledge of assigned people in their electronics IT department area.

Okay Mr.Boone, when I bought my VIZIO plasma 26 inch TV, it was a thing I did upon receiving my PFD. After a few months of use, a vertical streak can be seen 4 inches on the right screen, first the red and blue streak, then after a few weeks, all the colors are there. I complained to the VIZIO company, after getting rounds of this company's "pointing fingers" I finally was instructed to ship this TV set to them. I did, and after a couple of months, they shipped to me the same model, and I was very happy that in this world, a company finally cared. WOW..

Then my frustrations began again after a month's use that the same vertical streak came back to haunt me during football season and the basketball shows so I cannot see the scores. I again contacted VIZIO company, but I was given a run around, their company's arrogant rep referred me to a line which is only a service contractor telling me that they do repair and since Ketchikan IS NOT PART OF THE UNITED STATES, I have to incur repair estimates of $280 plus cost of shipping. I told them I only bought the set for $298, so I suggested for them to take my TV in and I add a couple of dollars to get another one, but there is nothing I can do. Two of my friends have the same problem and the company did nothing.

I talked to the employee at Walmart in this department but they only said I am just selling and I do not know anything or answering your query on technical matters.

So I am challenging David Boone to check for himself this anomaly of a company selling their wares at our local Walmart in Ketchikan and furthermore split my guts or get trampled come Good Fridays? I rather stay home and enjoy a good cup of coffee with friends listening to country music on CD. And perhaps, companies should take the responsibility of selling their TV products with a more flexible period of warranty, not just for 6 months or as Walmart insists, you have to empty your pocket for an absurd warranty guarantee if you want it fixed after the 6 months period, right Mr. Boone?
Why can't our local governments do something about these companies?

I have no ax to grind with Walmart except that the personnel assigned in the electronics and IT sections do not know if what we ask is included in the warranties thereof.

Anybody ?????

Joey Garcia
Ketchikan, AK


Received November 20, 2012 - Published November 23, 2012

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letter FIX IT RIGHT By David Boone



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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska