Obamacare By Duane Hill November 07, 2013
In the meantime, tens of thousands of people have lost their insurance coverage as the insurance companies and employers prep for the ramp up. Here is a website that tracks how many people have been fired due to Obamacare: True unemployment is better reflected in the "workforce participation" percentage. It's around 60%, and it's that high because of part time jobs. People living on some sort of federal aid outnumber those drawing paychecks. The number of government employees exceeds the number of private sector employees. "Wealth creation" is found only in the private sector. Less than a quarter of those getting any type of income are private sector, and an unknowable percentage are wrapped up in wealth consumption jobs meeting regulatory compliance? We are in a depression, and the fedgov is hiding the symptoms with government jobs and public assistance funded with inflationary money printing. We are in the deep and stinky, thanks to Obama. Duane Hill About: "Long time civil rights activist" Received October 31, 2013 - Published November 07, 2013 Related Viewpoint:
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