Last U.S.lead processing smelter and Affordable Health Care Act By A. M. Johnson November 16, 2013
That "Reasonable period of time" has transpired. In addition, an additional subject regarding the employer mandate of Obama Care which was deferred till 2015 SHOULD BE front and center as the individual mandate for insurance has imploded with a total failure to date of the enrollment disaster. Submitted to your fine publication are these two submissions, site and quote reference . Thank you 11/11/13 Let us see if your staff can confirm and give me a response via email I mean, damn it you ask for it so use it. This article is almost unbelievable until you consider all of the unorthodox, ambiguous, dangerous actions this administration has undertaken to reduce the meaning of the Second Amendment. Knowing you profess to being a staunch supporter of the Second amendment, I am anticipating a rapid response and course of action were you to fine that this is factual in any small amount. Copying my political list with this request. After a reasonable amount of time without a response, it will be submit to SitNews for publication. Regards, From the date of this submission to Representative Young, it has been learned that 3% of lead use is in the manufacturing of ammunition, and raw lead is not the major use of sheltered lead. Never the less the acquisition of ammunition will be focused on foreign sources (China?). With the threat of the recently announced U.N. Treaty that limits small arms included is the ability of the U.N. to stop the importation of ammunition should this agreement be ratified by the U.S.Congress. already a majority of Democrats in the Senate have sign on in agreement. Given an opportunity, a mean spirited President, a name quickly comes to mind, would approve or use current constitutional violations, bypass the constitution and give another "I am King" executive order. Just saying.
Missed the call while your recent visit to were in Ketchikan. We would have had one hell of a talk. That is okay, I was most likely checking the tire air on my truck anyway. From the paper you gave a rip roaring account for yourself, man, you talk a mean line of tough talk on on the stump. In Washington D.C? Not so much. So you and your health coverage protected staff have chose to not answer the inquiry regarding the closing of the last lead processing facility in the country as a result of EPA edicts and the consequences of that action. Fair enough, I offered that it would be submitted to Sitnews and it will be done forthwith. In the mean while what will you be proposing to stop the following Obama Care mandate from taking place? Quote: "Because President Obama delayed the employer mandate, the worst of Obama Care has not yet hit. We are only at the beginning of a rolling catastrophe. Once the employment market gets walloped next year, a few million people having their insurance canceled and a few million senior citizens losing their doctors will look like the good old days." End of quote It would seem Representative Young, in the best interest to start NOW to assure the Nation that the abated employer segment of this diabolical socialist medical plan is d-railed for ever as the whole act/law should be. What are you going to do about it? This too will require a response as it has been submitted to Sitnews. Regards, About: "political reprobate who desires a return to the tenets of the Constitution as the framers intended. " Received November 16, 2013 - Published November 16, 2013
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