The Philippines' Wild Wild West By Joey Garcia November 16, 2013
The typhoon gathered a worldwide attention, gathered themselves into one worldwide helping hands-on, sent in their ships, planes, choppers, even picture of two kids in Wisconsin selling lemonade to help the children of the Philippines. But the question is - where are the Filipino Associations in the 49th State called Alaska? Does the mum word called "crab mentality" still within the norms of a traditional Filipino asset? or do we now call this as a "liability", sad to note indeed. Perhaps the call of the hungry and dying children and old people do not ring a bell among the good earners of the Alaska Filipino associations or organizations for this matter. Do these organizations have elected presidents, mute or deaf, or just playing cool in their selfish desire only. "What does it profit a man to gain the whole and suffer the loss of his own soul" Perhaps, the leadership of these associations are only for the own self, their own families, and out with the known word that the Philippines has been proud to accept, the word of hospitality. I was wondering in my own personal thought, that would it be an insult to the Filipino associations in Ketchikan if the City itself will embark on a grandiose help solicitation from the residents, the tribespeople, the Chamber of Commerce, high school students, in cooperation with UPS or FedEx and Alaska Airlines and Delta Airlines in the vaious transport stages of whatever can be gathered to be sent to the Office of President Aquino, from the City and Borough of Ketchikan. I am calling the help from the Office of the Ketchikan City Mayor, the Ketchikan Borough Mayor and the Ketchikan Saxman Mayor if what I'm talking here is feasible. I know the outreach kindness of the people of Ketchikan, the various fish processing companies, doctors from our hospitals, even the seniors can best be gauge if this plan can go to a direction of our Salmon Capital of the World. "ASK NOT WHAT YOUR COUNTRY CAN DO FOR YOU, RATHER ASK WHAT YOU CAN DO FOR YOUR COUNTRY" excerpts of then Pres. John Kennedy - to include, "THE PHILIPPINES. too" a country that shouted HELP on their rooftops, on the streets, in their cries, and their heartaches, perhaps, the Filipinos in Alaska, especially in Ketchikan will think twice that if they spend for a pack of Budweisers, they can drink water instead and I am sure that their nights can be spent calmly and their spiritual blessings can be packed, least, they can sleep better at nights. "Do not light your lamp and hide it in a closet or behind a closed room, but place it on a road where people can see the light for them to be guided by it." Joey Garcia
Received November 13, 2013 - Published November 16, 2013 Viewpoints - Opinion Letters:
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