Mining forums in Southeast Alaska By Victoria McDonald November 08, 2014
Dr Dave Chambers described how acid is produced when porphyry mines expose the earth to air and water. He alluded to the Mt Polley tailings dam failure: A tailings breach is a low probability but high consequence event . Dr Chambers added that rock storage facilities, such as one planned on a tributary of the Unuk, will produce acid mine drainage. Sarah O Neal, fish biologist, laid out mining risk factors. Even in small amounts, copper is a toxic substance and affects the olfactory sense in fish, essential for spawning. Copper kills algae and bugs eaten by fish, and so alters or eliminates food sources. Sedimentation resulting from road building and mining camps also threaten fish habitat. Jill Weitz of TU described the International Joint Commission, which resolves water conflicts between Canada and US. The Boundary Waters Treaty was used in the 1980 s to stop a coal mine near Flathead Lake in Montana. Although Canada has gutted its regulatory agencies, Alaskan citizens can make a difference. The Salmon BeyondBorders.com website enables people to sign a petition to Secretary of State Kerry and emails for the Alaska delegation. Friends of Misty Fjords National Monument, a local group concerned about the KSM proposal, has registered complaints to the Canadian Panel Review, asking for a detailed review. If this mine is approved, 5 years camp preparation will be followed by 52 years of open pit and block mining. Our fisheries, vital for commercial, subsistence and sport fishermen must be protected. Alaskans voted to protect the Bristol Bay area; our mainland rivers in Southeast are just as essential for people and fish. Victoria McDonald About: "Southeast Alaskan are facing huge transboundary mines that threaten our rivers and the fish, wildlife that depend on clean water. KSM, if financed, will be located 19 miles above Misty Fjords National Monument " Received November 05, 2014 - Published November 08, 2014 Viewpoints - Opinion Letters:
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