SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska

Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

Is Ketchikan a haven for Filipinos focused on getting the most?

By Joey Garcia


November 19, 2014
Wednesday PM

Is it worth for Ketchikan authorities to take a cue for an investigation on a "quid pro quo" stance of the INS in allowing marriage as the bridge of qualifying for a green card, thus US citizenship, if the price is right. The USINS should start investigation if the age difference in marriage is a bridge in acquiring green cards and US citizenship under the "quid pro quo" silent gimmick of fish processors, or businessman, or actors in their face off campaign to marry a woman twice or thrice their age with a concept of an offer no man can resist the offer of the a la Marilyn Monroe body and looks which has been noted going on for several years in the offering.

I am challenging the Enforcers of the USINS to get the records on the table and the persons in cahoots to this kind of modus operandi, be they US naturalized citizens or permanent residents, can be shackled and to send them home to their countries as a US Persona-Non-Grata category. Ketchikan is the Gateway City to these persons who creep to their code of silence and should be given attention by the USCIS Investigation/Enforcers and should be meted by the courts that will be the reason why these QUID PRO QUO will never be given 2nd chances whatsoever.

This is addressed to Filipino residents of Ketchikan, and to the J Visa holders of another country in an arrange modus operandi for the acquisition of green cards or the foreigners step up to become US naturalized citizens. I suggest the USCIS should activate their ICE and INTERNAL Control to ferret fraud and conspiracy of fraud within Ketchikan and adjoining cities in these 49th State of the United State.

E Pluribus Unum !!!!!!

Joey Garcia
Ketchikan, Alaska


Received November 13, 2014 - Published November 19, 2014



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